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Welcome in the casetta project website


  • 8 aug 2010: Casetta softwares are no longer actively developed (however, they are still working).

If you are interested by the software, as user or as developer, please subscribe to our mailing-list, there is still people to answer you!


The aim of the Casetta project is to provide a collection of free (as speech) softwares to open, edit, convert and transfer data with a Casio graphical calculator under GNU/Linux and others operating systems.

For the moment, we provide three softwares, running on GNU/Linux and Microsoft Windows, and maybe on others operating systems:

  • Casetta: a python module to make conversions between various casio data formats, transfers with a Casio calculator and let any python program manage data such as programs, backups, etc.
  • Casetta_cli: a command line interface for Casetta, to make massive formats conversions, or just to use a powerful interface.
  • Gasetta: a graphical interface to make file conversion, transfers and to manage and edit yours data.

Screenshot of Gasetta

To know more about casetta, you can:

If you want to help us, you can also report bugs, show the Roadmap, read the how to involve or contribute to the casio format documentation.


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